
Liturgies and Acts of Worship

Prayer and Worship is central to daily life at St Mary and St Joseph's. Morning, lunchtime and end-of-day prayer takes place in all classes across the school.
Celebration of the Word takes place on a Monday. It is based around the key theme of the Gospel of the previous Sunday with links to our core Gospel values. 
The children will be asked to actively make these values central to whatever they are doing the coming week and are encouraged to 'go out and live the mission' 
Class prayer and Team Liturgy are linked to Come and See topics as well as continuing to reflect on and explore the Gospel Values. 
Liturgies blend traditional prayer alongside contemporary prayer.
Achievements are celebrated at our Friday Celebration Assembly. Children are celebrated for demonstrating the Gospel Values in their playing and learning across the week. We call this award 'Our Branches of Love' and it is voted for by the children themselves.
Mass usually takes place half-termly in the church. Key Stage 2 children lead the readings, prayers and offertory. Parents, parishioners and extended family are warmly invited to attend. 
We mark the liturgical year by reflecting on key seasons and feasts throughout the year. At Harvest, we collect food for the Wareham Food Bank. During Advent, we gather daily as a school community to light the Advent wreath and reflect and journey through events leading up to the birth of Jesus. During Holy Week, each class leads us as we reflect on the events of the final week in the life of Jesus. We commemorate Remembrance and honour Mary in our May Procession.